Mergulho em baixas e montes submarinos com a Dive Azores a partir do Faial
Diving in Azores off Faial island
Mergulho em baixas e montes submarinos com a Dive Azores a partir do Faial
Diving in Azores off Faial island
Azores - Offshore Diving "with Mantas and Sharks" from Tiago Castro on Vimeo.
Éstas imagens forma captadas no Banco Princesa Alice e em baixas próximas da ilha do Faial, com excepção das imagens de tubarões que foram captadas em mar aberto.
The images of this video where all filmed in Offshore Pinnacles or in the blue.
The images of schools of Jacks are from Pinnacles located near Faial Island.
The images of tuna fish, barracudas and mantas where recorded in Princess Alice bank.
The sharks shown are not observed in our regular diving trips or any other trips not specifically directed for this purpose. Blue sharks live offshore in deep waters and are highly migratory during all their lives. Dive Azores shark diving expeditions incudes also workshops about sharks’ biology, behaviour and conservation issues.
Did you know sharks are in dandger because of shark finning!
Did you know that 90% percent of the word population of many species of sharks is already depleted!
Help stoping shark finning...
Did you know that 90% percent of the word population of many species of sharks is already depleted!
Help stoping shark finning...
To know more about shark conservation issues visit,